


    In developing transmission line route options, ATCO considers a range of routing constraints, including proximity to residences and environmentally sensitive areas. We undertake extensive studies to understand the potential impacts on wildlife, wetlands and other sensitive features. Prior to consultation with stakeholders, ATCO develops early route concepts with consideration for numerous factors, including: 

    • Proximity to residences
    • Agriculture operations
    • Wetlands and environmentally sensitive areas
    • Existing infrastructure (i.e. other transmission lines, roads, highways, pipelines, telecommunication towers) and planned developments
    • Quarter and section lines
    • Property boundaries & field edges
    • Visual factors
    • Construction & land acquisition costs
    • Other special consideration (i.e. access roads)


    ATCO’s consultation programs can include open houses, mailed information packages, and one-on-one meetings with landholders. Stakeholder input is crucial to help determine the best possible routes with the lowest impacts to landholders and the environment. Consultation with landholders routinely leads to improvements in our projects. We have adjusted routes, developed new route options and rejected other routes because of conversations with landholders. Depending on the project, we may complete multiple rounds of consultation when routes are refined or updated during the routing process.

    When consultations have been completed, and the final route option(s) are selected, ATCO submits a facility application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to obtain approval for the construction and operation of the proposed facilities.


    Information collected during a project is used to identify concerns with proposed changes to and/or the siting of power transmission facilities, and to comply with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) rules regarding the submission of transmission facilities applications. This information may be provided to electric facility owners, Alberta’s Surface Rights Board, and the Alberta Electric System Operator.

    Your comments and personal information may also be publicly accessible through the AUC website, should it be submitted to the AUC as part of a transmission facility application – subject to Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you wish to keep your information confidential, you must make a request to the AUC (403-592-4376). If you have questions or concerns about your information or how it may be used or disclosed as part of this process, please contact us.


    The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is committed to playing a leadership role in enabling the transformation of the province's electricity sector while ensuring reliable, affordable power is always available to Albertans.

    The AESO manages and operates the provincial power grid. The AESO is a not-for-profit organization with no financial investment in the industry. On behalf of Albertans, the AESO works with industry partners and the government to make sure reliable power is there when you need it. Whatever changes happen in the world, you can rely on the AESO to manage the electricity markets and meet your energy needs – now and in the future.


    The Alberta Utilities Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial agency of the province of Alberta. The AUC is responsible to ensure that the delivery of Alberta’s utility service takes place in a manner that is fair, responsible and in the public interest.

    The AUC regulates investor-owned natural gas, electric and water utilities and certain municipally owned electric utilities to ensure that customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates. The AUC ensures that electric facilities are built, operated and decommissioned in an efficient and environmentally responsible way. The AUC also provides regulatory oversight of issues related to the development and operation of the wholesale electricity market in Alberta as well as the retail gas and electricity markets in the province.

    The AUC’s regulatory functions are carried out through both written and oral proceedings and representative groups are encouraged to participate in the process. Participation helps to ensure that the AUC is informed of the issues and that decisions are made in the public interest.

    The AUC’s Code of Conduct and Ethics sets out rules regarding conflicts of interest and other matters for Commission members and employees. All Commission members and employees must complete an annual declaration of compliance with these rules.


    Your comments and concerns are important to us. Please contact us if you would like to learn about a transmission project or if you would like to share information with us.

    Toll Free: 1-855-420-5775

    Email: consultation@atcoelectric.com